Professional Certifications
Associate Certificate Coach (ACC), International Coaching Federation (ICF)
Aspiring Superintendents Academy Blended Learning Model (AASA)
Change Navigator Certification, Multi-Health Systems (MHS)
Change Style Indicator Certification, Multi-Health Systems (MHS)
Coach Accelerator™ Enhanced Practitioner, Accelerating Coach Excellence
Coach Approach to Leadership Series
Coaching Skills, 5.5.5 Trainer Certification, Coaching Out of the Box (COB)
EQ-i2.0 and EQ 360 Emotional Intelligence, Multi-Health Systems (MHS)
Holistic Leadership and Thriving Schools Certification
Murphy-Meisgeier Type Indicator for Children (MMTIC)
PQ Coach, Positive Intelligence, Shirzad Chamine
TypeCoach Professional Trainer
Values2Wellness Coach Certification
5 Square Emotional Intelligence Coach Model Practitioner, Nobel Story Group
Education Background
Doctor of Education in Organizational Leadership (Anticipated Spring 2025)
Master of Arts, Educational Leadership & Administration
Master of Science, Teaching Childhood Education
Bachelor of Science, Technology Systems
Education Licensure Credentials
District of Columbia